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Archies Footwear Coupon Code

Archies Footwear Coupon
Australia flagThis deal is only available in Australia. Use the code: WEG9QPVU for a discount at checkout (you also get free shipping!).
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These are becoming so popular with Podiatrists, not only for their own use but for their patients to supplement foot orthotic therapy.

As a point of clarification, in Australia what the rest of the world calls flip flops, they call them thongs.

The amount of arch support built into them is about the same as what you would get in most prefabricated foot orthotics, so they can even be used as an alternative to foot orthotics when indicated.

Archies Footwear Coupon
Australia flagThis deal is only available in Australia. Use the code: WEG9QPVU for a discount at checkout (you also get free shipping!).
Redeem here at checkout for discount

You can read more about them here and here